CHRIS D. MELETIS, ND Thomas Edison once said, “The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” Indeed, the human brain’s importance is reflected in the fact that […]
SHAWNA EISCHENS, ND Look at that fresh lemon! As the knife slices through it, notice the spray of juice and the intensified aroma. Squeeze a section of this juicy, sour fruit into a glass of […]
Node Smith, ND Your diet can put you at risk of depression, according to a new study. The study also found that the likelihood of depression is higher among middle-aged […]
Reverend Steven A. Bailey, ND We credit Confucius with saying, “No matter where you go, there you are” – a wise reminder for life journeys and choices, and a good […]
Angela P. Lambert, ND, LAc, MSOM Originally identified in a JAMA article in 1955, the placebo effect has received increasing interest in medicine for about 15 years now. In 2005, […]
David Denis, ND Suzanne, a 47-year-old woman, arrived at my office for her first visit, stating, “I have a parasite. Do you do parasite cleanses or testing?” She proceeded to […]
Emily Chan, ND Taylor McHugh, BA “The field is the governing agency of the particle.” (Albert Einstein) Or, is the particle the governing agency of the field? From a Newtonian […]
Paul Epstein, ND and Node Smith “When any experience of body, heart, or mind keeps repeating in consciousness, it is a signal that this visitor is asking for a deeper and […]
Tolle Totum Iva Lloyd, BScH, RPE, ND It is common to think of chronic pain from a structural or functional perspective. What is not as common, but is equally important, […]
Andrea Gruszecki, ND There is a growing debate in our profession about how we, as NDs, move into the 21st century. I continue to read NDNR articles by Dr. Robert […]