TIM SHANNON, ND, DHANP I began my naturopathic studies at NUNM (then called “NCNM”) in 1996. Several years prior to starting my naturopathic education, I became intrigued with [...]
Similar Thought Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND Some times the chief complaint really is not. When her young son, Juan, was 27 months old, his mother, Dolores, consulted me. Juan had […]
Node Smith, ND Concentrations of antibiotics found in some of the world’s rivers exceed ‘safe’ levels by up to 300 times, the first ever global study has discovered. Researchers [...]
Tolle Causam Kris Somol, ND Mary Schroeder, BSC Kathryn Hightower, BA Francisco Miranda, BSC Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common ailment in female-bodied individuals. Certain populations [...]
Ginger Nash, ND The significance of the fucosyltransferase-2 (FUT2) gene and “secretor status” has been written about by Dr Peter D’Adamo for over 20 years. Dr D’Adamo’s research into ABO […]
Vis Medicatrix Naturae Donald Brown, ND Over the past several years, there have been large projects collecting data to examine the role that the human microbiota plays in health and […]
Node Smith, ND Most women may instinctively drink more water to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, this common practice has never been backed up by research, until now. [...]