Microplastic Leaching From Teabags
Node Smith, ND Many people are trying to reduce their plastic use, but some tea manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction: replacing traditional paper teabags with plastic ones. Now, [...]
Node Smith, ND Many people are trying to reduce their plastic use, but some tea manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction: replacing traditional paper teabags with plastic ones. Now, [...]
Node Smith, ND Researchers at Western University have shown for the first time the molecular mechanisms at work that cause cannabidiol, or CBD, to block the psychiatric side-effects caused by [...]
Node Smith, ND A University at Albany professor has found trends that warrant increased screening for eating disorders, she explains. Trends that warrant increased screening for eating disorders [...]
Node Smith, ND People prescribed medication for their mental health aren’t being given enough information about side effects by their GP, with one in three people saying they would have […]
Node Smith, ND Two articles were published regarding gender-affirming treatments, which offer transgendered individuals the option to adopt a gender identity more fitting of their inner [...]
Node Smith, ND People who received omega-3 fish oil supplements in randomized clinical trials had lower risks of heart attack and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) events compared with those who [...]
Node Smith, ND Despite the wealth of information now available about menopause, women are still not comfortable in proactively discussing vaginal issues related to menopause with their healthcare [...]
Node Smith, ND Aspiring parents should both avoid drinking alcohol prior to conception to protect against congenital heart defects, according to research published in the European Journal of [...]
Node Smith, ND The Institute of Medicine’s guidelines currently advise all pregnant women to increase calorie intake by 340-450 calories/day during their second and third trimesters, [...]
Node Smith, ND In the five years she’s lived in Germany, Erin Duffy doesn’t think she has paid more than 16 euros for medical care. Until now, that is. Coverage […]