
Dermatology, Pediatrics

Psoriasis in Children

Treating the Whole Little Person Nadia Ciuha, ND Psoriasis is fairly common in today’s pediatric population, with the number of new cases diagnosed every year steadily increasing. This increase is


Homeopathic Treatment of PANS

Vis Medicatrix Naturae Jamie Oskin, ND PANS1 (formerly PANDAS2) is an acronym for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. This diagnosis is still controversial, yet is gaining support due to many publications


Sportin’ Life

Conventional and CAM Treatments for Osgood-Schlatter Disease Katie Baker, ND, LMP Osgood-Schlatter (OS) disease is the inflammation of the apophysis (cartilage growth plate) of the tibial tuberosity, caused by excessive

Homeopathy, Pediatrics

The Matridonal Remedies

Vis Medicatrix Naturae Angelica Lemke, ND The “Matridonal Remedies” are an underutilized subset of homeopathic sarcodes (remedies made from human tissue) that I have found to be very useful for


Precocious Puberty

Tolle Causam Tamara Cullen, ND It’s not just your imagination; kids are growing up faster these days. From the clothing styles to the attitudes, kids sometimes seem like little adults

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