Oxytocin, Music, and Social Connection
Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone that has been shown to promote social interaction, such as cooperation and affiliation. It is the hormone that is responsible for the sense of […]
Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone that has been shown to promote social interaction, such as cooperation and affiliation. It is the hormone that is responsible for the sense of […]
Two new research studies serve as reminders of the power of balneotherapy techniques to ease pain and inflammation. Balneology is the art and science of bathing in and use of
Sometimes dairy gets a bad wrap, being one of the top 8 common food allergens. There has been research and debate as to the health benefits of consuming raw milk
Dr. Kazue Yamagishi, of the FAP Dental Institute, Tokyo, Japan, has developed a brilliant new oral compound for the treatment and prevention of dental caries. The preliminary claims of her
The popularity of marijuana as a medicinal agent, and also as a recreational substance has increased dramatically within the last decade. Over half of the United States has legalized marijuana
Naturopathic Perspective Keri Layton, ND The conversation about the role of women in the workplace has reached fever pitch in recent years. Sheryl Sandberg’s 2013 book and directive Lean In1
Tolle Totum Artemis Morris, ND, MS, LAc Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sex, is a growing problem affecting 1 million married premenopausal women,
Vis Medicatrix Naturae Kate Naumes, ND Carina Parikh, MSN, MSiMR David Daniels Infertility affects as many as 12.3% of women ages 15-44 (or 7.5 million women) in the United States.1
Tolle Causam Andrea Purcell, NMD Alopecia that occurs in menopause is really a type of late-onset Female-Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL), which occurs in approximately 50% of women by the age
Education David J. Schleich, PhD Every day of every year, year after year veterans take their own lives. Today 22 did. Yesterday 22 did. Tomorrow 22 will, unless we do